Mumbai, India
Millions of children, women and men are being enslaved, degraded and silenced across India today—and IJM cannot rescue them alone.
But the scales are starting to tip toward justice—and, every day, we are seeing proof that makes us more confident that slavery in India can end within our lifetime.
We rescue victims by identifying brothels, hotels and other locations where women and young girls are being trafficked. We partner with police agencies to rescue the victims and ensure that each survivor is treated with dignity and respect.
We bring criminals to justice by helping build strong cases against the brothel owners, managers and pimps so that India's anti-trafficking laws are enforced. We support prosecutors at every step of the lengthy trial process and advocate for fair sentences that reflect the crime as defined by Indian law.
We restore survivors by walking closely with every young woman from the night she is rescued to the day she will complete our aftercare program-often years later. We partner with local aftercare homes that offer safe housing, education and job training. IJM social workers develop treatment plans for each survivor focusing on physical health, trauma counseling, personal security and economic self-sufficiency so she can truly thrive in freedom.
We strengthen justice systems by working hand-in-hand with investigating agencies and the judicial system. We partner with local government agencies to provide training that educates officials on trafficking and how to prevent, identify and prosecute the crime.