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Research & Learning Specialist (Fixed-term)


Who We Are

International Justice Mission (IJM) is the global leader in protecting vulnerable people from violence around the world. Our team of over 1,200 professionals are at work worldwide in over 30 offices. Together we are on a mission to rescue millions, protect half a billion, and make justice unstoppable.

We are a global community that cares for one another. We believe that the way we work is as important as the results we achieve. We provide professional excellence with joy and celebration to all those we serve.

The Need

For over 25 years, IJM has pioneered the work to protect vulnerable people from violence. 9 out of 9 times in the last decade, IJM’s Justice System Strengthening Projects have reduced slavery and violence between 50 and 85% for very large populations of people in poverty. As we grow to expand our impact to protect 500 million people from violence, we are seeking a Research & Learning Specialist to design and write the request for proposals (RFPs) for baseline studies of the Protection Framework and assist in various Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E)-related research projects and learning activities. He/she will work with the Monitoring, Evaluation, Research & Learning (MERL) team, POCs, IJM Program Offices, pillar leaders and external evaluation/research teams. The Research Specialist’s primary responsibilities are to prepare the RFPs and oversee the implementation of the baseline studies lined up for FYE 2o25 in compliance to the Protection Framework which covers the domains of Performance, Confidence and Reliance. All studies should be in compliance with the Global Quality Research Policy, Global Ethical Research Standards, and Global MERL Standards from conception to implementation. He/she will be responsible for both the administration and technical requirements of the Scale of Justice (SOJ) project from the preparatory phase until full implementation and publication.

This position is based in Manila, Philippines and reports to the Director, Monitoring and Evaluation.


  • Completion of RFPs for Reliance;
  • Co-Leads and oversees the execution and implementation of the 3 baseline studies:
    • Performance,
    • Confidence, and
    • Reliance;
  • Collaboration and coordination with various teams (RSC, research contractor, GMT, gov’t. partner etc.) to facilitate each step in accordance with the timeline of the SOJ project and document highlights of meetings and agreements.
  • Lead the Learning component of the Online Sexual Exploitation of Children (OSEC) Program across the program offices, National and the Center;
  • Provide support in additional Research & Learning-related tasks;
  • Research and Learning: Responsibilities related to MERL will range from review of program and M&E documents to writing of RFPs for Protection Framework Baseline Studies.
    • Work with the MERL Director and the MERL team in preparation for drafting/writing the documents needed for RFPs on baseline studies.
  • Prepare data collection tools in addition to the technical packages provided by the Global MERL;
    • Facilitate the collection and organization of relevant data and information required for the preparation of 3 requests for proposals;
    • Review and evaluate proposals and methodology of applicants for the studies;
    • Prepare the contracts for the selected external teams that will conduct the baseline studies. Coordinate with the Procurement and Legal Teams to comply with IJM’s process, standards and office forms;
    • Oversee, coordinate and manage external research teams across domains (Confidence, Reliance and Performance) and track implementation of studies and conduct regular reporting to the M&E Director;
    • Organize and facilitate meetings related to RFP preparation and implementation of baseline studies;
    • Monitor progress and delivery of work of external research teams across the baseline studies;
    • Prepare updates for the Research Steering Committee;
    • Prepare Learning tools and guides across teams and lead the regular Learning activities;
    • Prepare reports as needed for both Research and Learning component of the program;
  • Documentation, Reporting & Data Management: Responsibilities related to data gathering, data analysis, data entry, reports of all kinds, minutes of the meeting, and application of technical knowledge to achieve program goals.
    • Prepare documentation and progress reports in reference to the various studies to be conducted;
    • Perform data gathering in preparation for the RFP and as required and determined in the implementation of the baseline studies;
    • Collect and organize data that will be required for interactive reports, briefings and updates;
    • Work with the M&E Director and Sr. Data Analyst on data necessary for JDS records;
    • Compile lessons learned;
  • Perform other related duties and tasks as assigned by the Director of M&E (and in the interim, the National Director), and;
  • Participation in IJM’s community of spiritual formation.


  • Master’s degree in International Development, Public Health, Criminal Justice, or another related field;
  • At least 5- 7 years of experience in research implementation and management, applied program design, monitoring and evaluation and data use, as well as program management experience;
  • Proven leadership experience, including managing teams, in research or M&E activities;
  • Strong experience in qualitative and quantitative methods, data collection, database development and management, and analytics;
  • Ability to design and validate data collection tools, such as surveys and interview guides, that require minimum staff time and effort;
  • Demonstrated expertise in qualitative data collection, in-depth knowledge about qualitative sampling, and experienced in using interviews, focus groups, and interactive tools to generate qualitative information and analysis;
  • Proven ability to communicate and collaborate with multi-disciplinary program teams to understand goals and activities, balance staff time and competing priorities, and translate data into programmatic recommendations;
  • Proficient in group facilitation with demonstrated ability to communicate and collaborate effectively with partners, staff, and colleagues with a high level of tact, diplomacy and confidentiality;
  • Exceptional ability to work independently and autonomously;
  • Excellent written and oral communication skills in English;
  • Strong computer skills;
  • Experience in the preparation and implementation of baseline studies;
  • Knowledge of technical report writing; and
  • In-depth knowledge on use of mixed methodologies, qualitative and quantitative data collection tools and approach.

Critical Qualities:

  • Eager commitment to IJM's Core Values: Christian, Professional and Bridge-Building;
  • Professional presentation in demeanor and written and oral communication.
  • Exceptionally high level of honesty and integrity;
  • Meticulous attention to detail, sound judgment, ability to take initiative and provide constructive feedback, and strong analytical and problem-solving skills;
  • Disciplined with priorities, excellent organizational and administrative skills and ability to multitask under tight time constraints/deadlines.

Application Process:

Please submit Resume/CV, Cover Letter, and Statement of Faith* in one document to on or before 20 September 2024.

*What is a statement of faith?
A statement of faith should describe your Christian faith and how you see it as relevant to your involvement with IJM. The statement can either be incorporated into the cover letter or submitted as a separate document and should include, at a minimum, a description of your spiritual disciplines (prayer, study, etc.) and your current fellowship or place of worship.

IJM holds strict safeguarding principles and a zero tolerance to violations of the Safeguarding Policy, Protection against Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment Policy, and Code of Ethics. Candidate selection is based on technical competence, recruitment, selection and hiring criteria subject to assessing the candidates value congruence and thorough background, police clearance, and reference check processes.

IJM requires a background check, police clearance and thorough review of references with an employment offer and/or employment contract.

Media Contact

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More Information

Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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