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Advocacy Summit Header Image 190708 230155 1

2019 Advocacy

October 21 - 22 | Capitol Hill, Washington, DC
Advocacy Summit Logo

Join us in Washington, DC on October 21-22, and stand up for the rights of Central
American women and children who have been assaulted, abused and are waiting for justice.
You have the chance to ask your senators to release life-saving funding to help
end domestic abuse and violence against women and children in Central America.

Will you stand in the halls of power and say, I AM HERE to help end violence against women and children in Central America?

Three reasons to register:



8:00 am — Registration Opens
9:00 am — Morning Session
12:15 pm — Lunch
1:30 pm — Afternoon Sessions & Training
6:00 pm — Dinner on your own


7:30 am — Gather at US Capitol for Group Photo
8:15 am — Morning Session and Prayer
10:00 am-4:00 pm — Meetings on Capitol Hill
4:00 pm-7:00 pm — Happy Hour (Optional)


Each year thousands of Central American children and women are raped and abused in their homes and communities. Fewer than 10% of these crimes ever see a verdict in court. While some systems are slowly improving, the United States has the opportunity to send powerful aid to help Central Americans build stronger, more effective justice systems that protect their most vulnerable.

Register now to join your fellow advocates on October 21-22 and help end violence against women and children in Central America!

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Where to stay

Hampton Inn Washington DC NoMa Union Station

501 New York Ave NE Suite A
Washington, DC 20002
Call to Reserve: 202-393-1001

Rate: $189
Available: 10/20-22
Booking Cut Off Date: September 19, 2019
Amenities: Shuttle service to/from metro, in-room fridge
and microwave, wifi, breakfast included. Walking distance to
day 1 training day, and metro accessible for day 2.
Parking: Self-parking $42.50/night


Hyatt Place Washington DC/US Capitol

33 New York Ave NE
Washington, DC 20002
Call to Reserve: 855-556-1297

Rate: $189
Available: 10/20-22
Booking Cut Off Date: September 19, 2019
Amenities: Walking distance (1 block) to metro, wifi, breakfast included,
walking distance to day 1 training day and metro accessible for day 2,
in suite fridge and microwave.
Parking: Self-parking $42.50/night



Do I have to participate in both days of the event?

Yes. We ask that event participants participate in both the training day on 10/21 and the Lobby day on 10/22. The training on Monday will prepare you for your lobby meetings on Tuesday.

What is appropriate attire for these events?

Dress for the training on 10/21 is casual. Business attire is appropriate for the Lobby Day on Capitol Hill on 10/22.

Where should I stay if I am coming in from out of town?

IJM is able to offer a discounted price on rooms at two local hotels. See “Where to Stay” above for more information.

Are meals provided by IJM for these events?

On 10/21, IJM will provide a light breakfast and a lunch. On 10/22, IJM will provide a light breakfast and snacks.

I’ve never lobbied before; will I feel prepared?

You do not need to be an expert on the issue or on the legislative process to be a persuasive lobbyist. IJM will help you feel prepared to make a strong case for U.S. government investment to combat violence against women and children in Central America. IJM staff will also review talking points and will provide time for you to meet with fellow advocates from your state.

What else can I do to prepare for this event?

We’ll send you materials to review before the event so you can get up to speed on your Lobby Day talking points (though we will also review them in depth on Monday so advance preparation is not required). You can also demonstrate the breadth of support from your own community by collecting signatures on a petition in support of the legislation. Contact advocacy@ijm.org to get started.

Will IJM provide transportation to and from the airport?

We are not able to provide transportation from the airport upon your arrival.

What time should I schedule my flight to depart on Tuesday, 10/22?

You can expect to be finished with your congressional meetings by 4 p.m. on Tuesday, 10/22. The event will end with an optional, informal gathering at the Hawk ‘n’ Dove on Capitol Hill following the lobby meetings, and we’d love for you to join us.

Where should I store my luggage during the Lobby Day?

We will have a “home base” room at the Lutheran Church of the Reformation (212 East Capital St NE), just blocks from the Capitol Building. You can bring your luggage with you in the morning and leave it safely in this room, which will be staffed throughout the day. You can stop by this room at any point during the day for a snack or to debrief your meetings.

Join your fellow advocates on October 21-22 and help end violence against women and children in Central America!

Media Contact

We're here to answer your questions. Please fill out the form below and someone from our team will follow up with you soon.

More Information

Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

Make an Impact

Your skills, talents, and ideas are a force for change. From birthday parties to polar dips, your fundraising campaign can stop the violence.

Learn More

Thank you for signing up to learn more about starting a fundraiser. We will be in touch soon!

In the meantime, please take a look at our free guide: 25 Tips for the Novice Fundraiser.

Need Help?

Need more information?
We're here to help.
Contact us at events@ijm.ca

