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International Justice Mission

2021 Year in Review


We envision a world where people are safe in their communities. A world where rescues are no longer necessary—because people are never exploited in the first place.

In 2021, we boldly moved closer to this future. Thanks to partnerships like yours, we are building a future of protection alongside our partners through bold rescues, raising the voices of survivors, expanding protection capabilities and strengthening justice systems.


*This number represents survivors “fully restored” using IJM’s externally validated Assessment of Survivor Outcomes (ASO) tool. There are thousands more survivors receiving care and participating in ongoing aftercare programs.

Building the Future of Protection, Together

Some people might think that the goal of protecting half a billion people from violence in less than a decade is a little audacious. I agree. But the stakes are too high to set modest goals, and I’m proud of the way our teams have charged headfirst into this next chapter in IJM’s history.

For 25 years, IJM has taken an active approach to intervene and bring individuals out of horrific abuse. This approach has not only helped rescue thousands of people from slavery and violence, it has proven to governments and authorities that they are not only responsible for the safety of their citizens, they are capable of providing that safety.

Yes, the work of scaling protection to 500 million people is audacious. It has to be. And if I’ve learned anything over the last 14 years of working at IJM, it is that supporters like you are exactly the kind of people we want by our side until we reach—and surpass—this goal.

Until all are free,

Melissa Russell
Regional President, IJM North America


Bill to eliminate child marriage begins “new stage” in Dominican Republic

The Dominican Republic government launched 2021 with a historic bill that eliminates all legal ground for child marriage. This happened after the dedicated advocacy efforts of our staff and supporters in 2020, including a powerful CNN OpEd by Clayton Kershaw and a social media push by other athletes in Team Freedom, IJM’s pro athlete community. “Through this law, a new stage begins in the country. Our girls and adolescents will be protected…and cannot be forced into marriage in their childhood or adolescence.” said Sonia Hernandez, Associate Director of Public Justice System Strengthening for IJM.

Back-to-Back Rescues lead to 20 children rescued in the Philippines

A complex collaboration — highlighting the promising transformation in the Philippines Justice System — led to back-to-back rescue operations that resulted in the rescue of 20 children who were previously exploited online and the arrest of four suspects.

Abuser in Uganda School Serves Life Sentence

IJM supported investigators in the arrest of the headmaster of a local school after abusing six young boys. After two years of delays due to COVID-19 and six months of trial proceedings, the judge handed the teacher “a sentence that would deter others”—life imprisonment. Upon hearing the verdict, the boys erupted in cheers and dancing, knowing that once and for all, they were safe.

Released Bonded Labours Association (RBLA) Delivers Protection and Advocacy in India

The RBLA, a coalition of more than 2,000 bonded labor survivors across India, is working to end slavery in 10 districts across three states. The RBLA has led to the rescue of more than 250 people from slavery, raised awareness to prevent trafficking in their local communities, helped protect families from COVID-19 and highlighted modern slavery in local media and international platforms.

Bill to eliminate child marriage begins “new stage” in Dominican Republic

The Dominican Republic government launched 2021 with a historic bill that eliminates all legal ground for child marriage. This happened after the dedicated advocacy efforts of our staff and supporters in 2020, including a powerful CNN OpEd by Clayton Kershaw and a social media push by other athletes in Team Freedom, IJM’s pro athlete community. “Through this law, a new stage begins in the country. Our girls and adolescents will be protected…and cannot be forced into marriage in their childhood or adolescence.” said Sonia Hernandez, Associate Director of Public Justice System Strengthening for IJM.

Back-to-Back Rescues lead to 20 children rescued in the Philippines

A complex collaboration — highlighting the promising transformation in the Philippines Justice System — led to back-to-back rescue operations that resulted in the rescue of 20 children who were previously exploited online and the arrest of four suspects.


This is the impact you’ve helped make possible

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Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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